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Make Your Walls Look New Again

A lick of paint is an easy and affordable way to give a room a makeover. However, a survey by AkzoNobel shows that about one in 10 people are not sure where to start and are slightly discouraged as a result. Using our handy paint tips checklist, you’ll have all the tools and tricks you need for a professional-looking result, whether this is your first painting job or you’ve used a paintbrush before.

Choose your paint

The color of your walls strongly influences the overall appearance of a room. It is therefore important that you are sure of your case. If you find it difficult to choose, you can get a digital impression of your wall color in no time with the Flexa Visualizer app. This way you can try out different colors before you pick up a brush. Once you’ve found the perfect color, you can visit for more information about the paint and brushes that you need to use.

Apply the tape

Tape off sockets, window frames, trim, door fittings, and other things you don’t want to paint with painter’s tape. Make sure you stick the tape in a tight, straight line so that the edges of your paint are also nice and tight.

Cover everything

It is smart to remove all furniture from the room. However, if you don’t have enough space in the house to remove all the furniture from the room, cover them with cloths or plastic. Plastic bags are a cheap and easy way to protect things like fittings. Always place a cloth under the area you are painting and use tape if possible to keep the cloth from shifting. No matter how careful you are, there will always be a few drops of paint on the floor. Make sure you are prepared for this.

Make the walls dust-free

If you want a silky finish as a result, it is important that the walls are free of dust before painting. Often a quick wipe with a dry cloth is enough. Be extra careful in the upper corners of the room, as there are often cobwebs there. It is also a good idea to now tackle uneven areas with sandpaper and remove any old nails or screws from the wall. Then, if necessary, fill the holes with a special filler.

Time to paint

Even walls that have been painted before can still be highly absorbent. Test this beforehand by spraying a plant sprayer with water against the wall. Does the water drain directly into the subsoil? Then apply a thin layer of primer. If the water does not immediately soak into the wall, priming is not necessary. Stir the paint with the stirring stick and pour some paint into the paint tray. Use the medium brush to paint the outer 10 inches of the wall, going over the edges of the painter’s tape. Use the roller to fill in the rest of the wall. The secret to a smooth, even finish: don’t put too much paint on your brush or roller. Paint the first coat and let it dry completely. Then apply another coat if necessary. If you’ve chosen a drastically different color, you may even need to apply a third coat.

Tape the Trek

When the paint is almost dry, carefully remove the painter’s tape. If you wait for the paint to dry completely, you run the risk of pulling bits of paint with it when you remove the tape. If that does happen, you can always use a small brush to touch up these spots.

Step back and admire your work

Time to enjoy the result: sleek, evenly painted walls in a radiant new color that form the background for your brand new interior.

Top tip

If you’re using a roller, don’t paint up and down or side to side, but make V or W-shaped strokes. This ensures an even finish without streaks. Repainting walls is good for your health. Because repainting your wall can avoid dust that can harm your lungs.

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