Importance of Secure Private Messaging in the Healthcare Industry
- POSTED BY Kárpáti Aranka IN Health Care
Is there a secure private messaging app that allows health care professionals to send private text and collaborate with key care teams using their personal mobile device? Yes, there are HIPAA-compliant, secure text messaging apps and service providers who permit real time collaborations over a secure network through delivery of fast and accurate private text messages.
However, under government laws, ordinary messaging apps and email are not recognized as secure messaging methods. That is considering that Federal laws mandate the security of identifiable patient information under the HIPAA law.
What exactly is the HIPAA
HIPAA stands for the 1996 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. This law was enacted to put in place rules that primarily institutes measure to protect and uphold the integrity, credibility and security sThe Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) is a federal law that puts in place rules about “who can look at, receive, and use patients’ health information as well as measures that protect the confidentiality, integrity and security of an individual’s health-related information. .Consistency, can be a struggle if using a non HIPAA Compliant mobile phone while

HIPAA Compliance application and stethoscope on a desk.
HIPAA violations can be common. Some hospitals don’t have a set of policies, standard policy and administrative guidelines to govern messaging services and the smartphones that healthcare professionals use in communicating with hospital staff and patients.
In more complex cases, hospital workers have to deal with facilities and professionals using mobile devices that do not have an extra layer of security to ensure medical information protection.
Additional Security to Strengthen Protection of Data When Using Private Messaging Apps
Not a few medical clinicians are unaware of exchanging protected health information in the likes of medical prescriptions, test results and images, which a mobile app used by an average consumer is not HIPAA compliant. Medical professionals should raise awareness about security features that can improve the protection of medical data as the subject of mobile phone communication.
End-to-end encryption of text messages. The message becomes unintelligible to unauthorised readers as words are replaced with ciphertext; making the content appear gibberish to prying eyes.
Self-destructing notes involves the creation of a note containing the private and confidential message that the intended recipient can view by accessing a link provided by the creator-sender, once the recipient clicked on the link and read the content the note, together with the link will self-destruct.
Multi password and one-time password authentication. The account user can complete a transaction by using his password more than once, usually to confirm a financial transaction. In addition he will have to input a one time password to authenticate the procedure being undertaken.